The Unity College Chapel, as a Catholic and Uniting Church Chapel, plays an integral part in the faith life of Unity College. The Chapel is a sacred gathering place of prayer, contemplation and worship drawing in the community members to the presence of God in their lives.
Behind the large glass windows is situated a labyrinth, which students and staff can access for contemplative prayer and Christian meditation. The labyrinth was integral for pilgrims questing and searching with the hope of becoming closer to God. In our own Unity College labyrinth, the pilgrim is invited to collect a stone representing a person in need of their prayer or a matter for contemplation. They enter the labyrinth in silence, meditating as they journey to the centre. At the centre, they may rest their stone under the metallic sculpture, symbolic of the Blessed Trinity, before they thoughtfully begin on their return pilgrimage.
Adjacent to the labyrinth, we find the Chapel's Memorial Garden where we have positioned three plaques to honour our founding Priest, Fr John Dobson and three beloved staff members, who have passed away since the College opened in 2006.
As staff and students walk from classrooms on their way to the Chapel, they promenade through an avenue of the six Unity College Virtues in alignment with the stunning Indigenous poles, painted by College friend, Mr Peter Muraay Djeripi Mulcahy.
The College Faith Partners, being the Caloundra Catholic and Uniting Church communities, also use the College Chapel for regular worship, prayer, weekly services, religious activities and sacramental celebrations. The inscription on our Chapel altar from Paul's letter to the Corinthians, “Many members, one in Christ", encapsulates our ecumenical story here at Unity College.
Both the Uniting and Catholic Churches celebrate prayer and worship in the Unity Chapel and each Sunday Caloundra Catholic Church holds mass at 08:00 am and Family Mass at 5:00pm.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Unity College (2024)