When you enrol your child/children at Unity College not only do they become an important member of the our community; you do too. Every parent/carer of a child enrolled at Unity College is automatically a member of Unity College Parents and Friends Association (Unity P&F). The Unity P&F is an integral part of the school community and endeavours to promote a sense of community, spirit and belonging.
Unity College recognises that parent involvement in school life and their engagement in their children's learning is central to high quality education and is part of the core business of schools. The Unity P&F is the key parent body within the College and offers parents/carers an avenue to participate in their child's education by strengthening the connections between the College, families and the wider community. We join in the College's aspiration to be a welcoming and supportive faith community where members respect themselves, each other and the environment.
How we work
Unity College is an ecumenical school (Uniting and Catholic Churches) and is administered by Brisbane Catholic Education, and as such the Unity P&F is a member of the state-wide P&F association, Catholic School Parents Queensland (CSPQ). The Unity P&F is a formal structure, recognised by the Catholic Church and Catholic Education authorities, which represents all the parents/carers in the College and acts in their interests and on their behalf.
The Unity P&F, guided by CSPQ, is on a journey to take our focus away from fundraising as the primary activity of parent groups and shift towards a broader and more meaningful participation in College life. This will mean our main source of revenue is the annual P&F Levy included in college fees. Any proposal for expenditure is determined in consultation with the Principal and these proposals will be targeted to whole of college projects/facilities for the benefit of all students.
What we do
The Unity P&F exists to support the College community and is involved in the total life of the College. Parents/carers, as first educators of their children, have a vital collaborative role to play in the development and implementation of the educational philosophy and policy of the college. The Unity P&F plays a significant role in the development of a collaborative and cooperative college community where parents/carers are recognised as authentic partners, with teachers and the administration, in the education of their children.
In particular, the Unity P&F will participate in the optimum spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development of students in the college by:
- Providing a medium of support, information, and engagement of parents/carers in their children's education and the college community
- Provide social opportunities to bring families and develop a strong sense of community
- Support and work in partnership with the Principal, Teachers and staff and participate in decision making
- Developing collaboration between parents/carers, students and Teachers
- Fostering a distinctive Christian environment in the college
- Contribute financially to projects, via the funds from the P&F Levy, that enhance the college environment for the benefit of all our children.
Past Contributions
Past contributions the Unity P&F has made to enhance our college environment and facilities include, but are not limited to:
- Redevelopment of Mo Chuisle courts to add covered grandstand seating and surrounding landscaping
- New pizza oven in the space outside the Coop Cafe / Lecture Theatre
- Ground works and establishment of the Urban Farm
- Installation of playgrounds in the Junior School
- Building of the permanent covered structures for the drop-off / pick-up zone in the car park
- Shade covers over Junior School playgrounds
- Shade cover for the school oval
- Interactive whiteboards for classrooms
Members of the Executive 2022
Executive Members are elected annually at our AGM held in November.
President: Carly Willoughby-Rolls
Vice-Presidents: Melinda Youman & Janine Gilchrist
Secretary: Belinda Lindsay
Treasurer: Angharad Robinson
Email: unitypf@bne.catholic.edu.au.
In 2022 we'll be trialling different days and times for meetings to open participation to more parents/carers and encourage greater participation.
Our first meeting of each term is a General Meeting and usually runs for 1-1.5 hours. The second meeting of each term is a shorter update style meeting followed by a Parent Development Session and combined these two events usually run for 2 hours. Parents/carers are welcomed and encouraged to attend meetings. For further information about meetings and P&F events please check the college calendar or visit the P&F Facebook page.
Unity College P&F Facebook Page